We are in the process of producing film clips of our stories for you to use in the classroom and hope they will help to bring the stories alive. We are working alongside the LSE faith Centre to find readers from different faith traditions and worldviews who will present these stories in a way that helps you to understand them more fully. We hope these will be available online by spring 2021.
This month we are excited to announce that our work has been published in REflection, the professional journal of the National Association for Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE). The article is entitled “Dialogue with difference in Primary Schools” and is found in the middle section of REtoday. We are thrilled that our work will become more accessible to teachers across the country and look forward to exploring new ways of developing the principles to match the changing needs of schools. The article can be accessed at this link.
The Story Tent was due to film students from the LSE Faith Centre who would read our stories from different religious traditions and worldviews. The recording session was planned for March 19th but due to the Covid -19 virus it has had to be delayed until the end of October 2020. Many thanks to Cameron Howes and all the students at the LSE who had signed up to come and be our readers. Thanks also to Joffy Girling for helping to set up what will be an amazing event. Watch this space, we are looking forward to bringing to you an exciting video resource to use in your classroom.
The Story Tent website was officially launched on Saturday 25th January 2020 at the NATRE Strictly RE National Conference in London. Over 350 teachers, researchers and educators gathered to share practical ideas and promote innovative ideas in current Religious Education thinking. We were able to present some of the research findings at an exciting workshops called “Research in RE by teachers for teachers” and through our resource stand we were able to build connections with teachers from across the country many of whom have now signed up for the weekly email. We were particularly pleased with the response to our free delegate highlighter pen and enjoyed networking with such a diverse group of extraordinary people.