Community: Humanism
Return to stories about peacemakers.
Humanists recognise that conflict, an argument between you and a friend, or a war between countries, is started by humans and can only be ended by humans. This is why people across the world have worked to build peace. But how can we be peacemakers? This story tells us about a disagreement in a village where some of the hunters had not behaved in a way the other villagers had hoped. It describes how we all need to take responsibility for being peacemakers together.
Follow up questions:
What caused the disagreement in the village?
Can you describe why both sides were upset?
What did the young hunter do to help facilitate peace-making?
How can you be peacemakers in your own lives?
The Hunters and the Pelts
The hunters returned home after a long winter away, with new pelts for themselves, but little to give to the rest of the village. The villagers were up in arms, “how could this be” cried one, another shouted “you must have taken it all for yourselves”. Soon conflict between the two groups had broken out and the peace and harmony that had once been, quickly vanished.
Upset by the sudden disturbance, a young hunter sought out the village elder’s wisdom, who was yet to intervene. “Our new pelts kept us alive, the winter was long and hard, we saw few animals and nearly didn’t make it back ourselves”, he paused and then continued “can they not see we tried our best, do our lives not mean more than a little extra food”. The village elder remained quiet and the young hunter left in disappointment.
He wondered why the village elder hadn’t helped. He thought and he thought, days and weeks passed, whilst the fighting and shouting continued around him. Then one night he awoke and realised, it was not up to the village elder to create peace, but rather each individual was responsible for seeking peace and acceptance in the village, that respect between individuals was critical, but peace and harmony needed to start within the human heart. He spread this message far and wide, and soon the tired and isolated villagers began to listen. At last they realised they must embrace their differences, not let it turn into conflict, and work together to bring peace to their village